Once the sky was always sunny, a smile never left my face.
Everyday felt like Christmas, full of good cheer and good grace.
This was when I was younger, the world full of surprise.
Before I grew up and discovered many lies.
My mother and father were superhuman to me,
they did no wrong that I could see.
The world was full of happy and beautiful things,
Opportunities endless, like I could fly away on my wings.
Then I grew older and started to see,
That there were not many people who saw the world quite like me.
I was six when I saw my mother cry,
And I was nine when my grandfather died.
Middle school brought family disaster,
And I wished that time would move faster.
At fifteen I had my first heartbreak, yet I still believed in love,
He treated me kindly and treated me like I was enough.
But at eighteen I got my heart broke,
And love seemed more to me like a joke.
I stumbled into college, viewing the world as dark and grey,
Hoping that I would find purpose, hoping I’d make a way.
With college came the loneliness, and fear of the unknown,
And the constant, lingering feeling that I was all alone.
My long distance relationship failed, and a few friendships too,
I loathed this new way of viewing the world, and wanted something new.
In the midst of all the sorrow and solitary,
There was one truth I knew I could carry.
I realized that the lies were only lies
And that the world was still full of surprise.
I found things that I enjoyed doing
And new passions that I enjoyed pursuing.
And I slowly began to understand and realize
That seeing beauty in the world comes from the inside.