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A Prayer of Conciliation

Nicholas Weimer

The house of the Lord is divided Many outcry against it. Known are its failures. Known are its shortcomings. It has transgressed many. We have transgressed many But those who cry, cry out against themselves. The jury we have called has found us all guilty. None are without blemish. The sins of man have reared again In our imprecatory hearts. An arbitrary judgement has been made By those whom we call friends. Some offenses stand, justified Others fall, gratuitously. But a charge of injustice has been made Laid upon the Lord’s house. Its deeds have been named. Its claims uttered. We have become profane. Our souls tremble for the cry has become a shout. And hear the shout; it is a quarrell not of foes, but of friends. The grievances are now causes presented to you in litany. We earnestly await a response. But who is to respond, when we feud amongst ourselves? Who is to bring about peace When we have raised up manifestos? Turn. Turn your faces to him who has been judged, Wrongly judged. Turn to him who denied himself as God And bore our inumerable sins. Turn to the Lord whose hallowedness has named this place. Let us cast aside our hatred, our judgements, Our manifestos. Let us lay down our names, our titles, our self-images. Let us throw off our skin, our bones, our corrupted flesh. Let us join, hand in hand, heart in heart, to the cross. Let us approach the Christ. His broken body becomes our own. His blood flows through our veins. His life is our communion. in him we are one. And from our broken bodies, We shall speak words of life, and seek out fellowship. From our blood poured out We shall know mercy, and image grace. No more will we need to lean on our own understanding. No more will we need to use unwholesome talk. For in Spirit, we shall be one. For In truth, we shall be one. In Christ, we shall be one. Let the words of my mouth And the mediation of my heart Be acceptable in your sight, Oh lord, our rock our redeemer.

Turn to him who denied himself as God And bore our inumerable sins. Turn to the Lord whose hallowedness has named this place. Let us cast aside our hatred, our judgements, Our manifestos. Let us lay down our names, our titles, our self-images. Let us throw off our skin, our bones, our corrupted flesh. Let us join, hand in hand, heart in heart, to the cross. Let us approach the Christ. His broken body becomes our own. His blood flows through our veins. His life is our communion. in him we are one. And from our broken bodies, We shall speak words of life, and seek out fellowship. From our blood poured out We shall know mercy, and image grace. No more will we need to lean on our own understanding. No more will we need to use unwholesome talk. For in Spirit, we shall be one. For In truth, we shall be one.

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